
I mean you are the fucking mayor of crazy town, do you know that?

esperei até agora, mas a lista de filmes não é tão supimpa quanto a de livros (como de costume). AINDA ASSIM! olha só <3

les miserables (2012)

do you hear the people sing?

say, do you hear the distant drums?

before midnight (2013)

You know what I love about men? They still believe in magic. Little fairies around who pick up their socks, little fairies unload the dishwasher, little fairies sunscreen the kids. Little fairies who make the fucking Greek salads that you eat like a pig.

district 9 (2009)

My son's in there!

o gato de madame (1957)

ai, ai, ai, quantas morenas tem! mas a casado não convém!

catching fire (2013)

There's nothing left that I love.

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